Объявление Новая почвофреза Agrocosan ROTARY TILLER продано и не участвует в поиске!
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новая почвофреза AL-TRAK Новый AL-TRAK цена по запросу Почвофреза 2022 1,85 м Турция, Manisa
новая почвофреза Agrocosan ROTARY TILLER
новая почвофреза Agrocosan ROTARY TILLER
новая почвофреза Agrocosan ROTARY TILLER изображение 2
Марка: Agrocosan
Год выпуска: 2024
Место расположения: Турция Karatay - Konya9152 км от вас
Дата размещения: более 1 месяца
Agronetto ID: KJ33275
Состояние: новый
Дополнительная информация
Цвет: красный

Дополнительная информация — Новая почвофреза Agrocosan ROTARY TILLER

Rotary Tiller is a secondary tillage tool used in preparing seed-beds, stubble-ploughing in especially farms, vineyards and gardens.
It is also a multi-purposed and long lasting environment-friendly machine that helps with the increase of the humus content of the soil by incorporating the plant residues and organic fertilizer into the soil and it does not make it a necessity to fight with the chemical weeds.
The fact that the motion coming from the power-take-off shaft is transferred to the blades through the gear system makes savings on power and fuel in proportion to the chain system.
The milling cutter blades shreds, mixes and crumbles the soil by operating vertically on the surface of the soil. It provides the water-air balance of the soil by making it loose.
Rotary Tiller is a secondary tillage tool used in preparing seed-beds, stubble-ploughing in especially farms, vineyards and gardens.
It is also a multi-purposed and long lasting environment-friendly machine that helps with the increase of the humus content of the soil by incorporating the plant residues and organic fertilizer into the soil and it does not make it a necessity to fight with the chemical weeds.
The fact that the motion coming from the power-take-off shaft is transferred to the blades through the gear system makes savings on power and fuel in proportion to the chain system.
The milling cutter blades shreds, mixes and crumbles the soil by operating vertically on the surface of the soil. It provides the water-air balance of the soil by making it loose.